With more than 800 million active monthly users, Telegram is a social platform that continues to grow in popularity. And like any other platform of its kind, there are ways to make money with Telegram, no matter the size of your channel (you can always buy Telegram members from us!).
Making money with Telegram is a little different from other social platforms just because Telegram works differently. But many of the same strategies can still apply. Let’s look at some of the most lucrative ways to make money on Telegram, how to build your channel and more.
How to Make Money with Telegram Channel?
There are many ways to make money with Telegram. You just need the right strategy and some persistence.
How much can you make on Telegram? That depends on a number of factors, but some users are generating thousands of dollars a month on Telegram.
Let’s look at some of the most effective ways to monetize this platform.
1. Affiliate Marketing
One of the simplest – and most effective – ways to make money with Telegram is affiliate marketing. The idea is simple: you get paid a commission whenever a visitor clicks your affiliate link and makes a purchase or takes an action (downloads an app, signs up for a newsletter, etc.).
Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative options for making money on Telegram.
Let’s say that you’re in the travel niche. You can join travel affiliate programs and start promoting those third-party products or services. Each time someone books a tour or a flight (or whatever the product may be) with your affiliate link, you will earn a commission.
You can even create a Telegram bot that helps people find travel-related products – like flights or hotel accommodations – and get a commission whenever someone makes a booking.
The nature of Telegram makes it a great option for promoting limited-time offers, and users will be more likely to act quickly.
2. Selling Paid Posts or Advertisements
Another way to monetize Telegram is to sell paid posts or advertisements. Telegram has launched its own ad service, but users are still networking with each other and advertisers to offer opportunities for advertising and paid posts directly.
This can be a great way to earn money with Telegram, but it’s important to make sure that you’re:
- Only allow trustworthy and reputable people to post and advertise on your channel
- Only allow channels that are relevant to your audience
The key most important thing is to make sure the channel is related to your niche.
The wrong partnership can damage your reputation and make your channel less trustworthy in the eyes of Telegram users.
3. Charging a Fee to Join a Private Channel
Many Telegram channels are now charging a fee to join their private channels. This strategy is a little more complex, but it works really well.
- First, create a public channel or an account on another social media platform.
- Next, promote your private, paid channel on the public channel or other social account.
The private channel is where you’ll provide your most valuable content, but you still want your promotional channels to have great content. Why? Because that’s how you’ll convince users to pay to join your private channel.
For this strategy to work, you have to make it worth paying for access to your content. Your premium content has to offer information that they can’t find anywhere else (not easily, anyway).
4. Promoting or Selling Your Products
Of course, you can also use Telegram to sell your own products and services. If you have a channel with a lot of members, you can easily generate a lot of income with this strategy.
For this strategy, you’ll need to run a content-related channel that you’ll use to promote your product.
The key is to demonstrate the value of your products and services, so users are compelled to make a purchase. Make sure that you’re also sharing valuable content and information, so your channel doesn’t feel spammy.
Many people also use their Telegram channels to sell consulting services. If you’ve grown a large Telegram channel, you can provide other people with advice and recommendations on how they can also grow their channels.
5. Selling Channels
If you’re a pro at creating and building Telegram channels, you can use this skill to make money. Some people purchase channels, grow them and then flip them (sell them). Others build channels from scratch and then sell them.
Another option is to offer growth services to businesses, helping them develop strategies to grow their members.
How to Build and Promote a Telegram Channel?
Running your own Telegram channel takes a lot of time and work, but it is a way to create a highly targeted, valuable audience. You’ll need to start with the basics before moving on to promotion, which includes:
- Download Telegram or go to the website and create an account. If you have an account, log into it.
- Tap the compose button.
- Tap New Channel.
You’ll be asked to name your channel and also choose the channel type. If you want anyone to be able to find the channel, you can make it Public. You’ll be able to add:
- Administrators
- Subscribers
We recommend that you add a profile picture to the channel and a very detailed description of it. You can add a sign message and grab the invite links to share on your other social media channels.
Creating your channel is the easy part, and once you’re done, you’ll want to do all that you can to promote it.
If you set the channel to public and don’t promote it, you may get a few followers, but true growth will take time. Promoting your channel will spur growth faster than just posting in a channel and hoping for the best.
Spam is always a problem and it’s not uncommon for trolls to join channels. You can set mods to help you clean up any spam and ban users who engage in spam on your channel. Allowing trolls to overrun your channel will lead to subscribers leaving it.
Promoting📢Your Telegram Channel
Your channel is created. Good job! Now, you can follow our guide to promote a Telegram channel, but we’re going to walk you through many of the steps below👇to help you get started.
1. Cross-Promote the Channel Across Your Socials
If you’re on Telegram, there’s a good chance that you already run social media profiles on Instagram, Facebook and maybe even YouTube. You have an audience or following already, and one of the best ways to promote your Telegram is to tell those who already follow you about it.
For example, you can:
- Create an Instagram Story mentioning your Telegram channel and asking people to subscribe to it.
- Link your Telegram in your social profiles.
- Create a Short or TikTok video telling people about the channel and asking them to join.
You don’t want to spam your Telegram and lose followers on other accounts, but you can make a post every few weeks mentioning it and asking people to subscribe.
2. Buy Telegram Members
If a channel has very few members, are you going to subscribe to it? Probably not. Members are a form of social proof and a reason for people to become members. You can remove this friction from your channel.
Buy Telegram members.
Buying members will make your channel seem more popular and will cause other people to subscribe to it, too.
3. Join Other Similar Channels
If you’re not active on Telegram, you might not know how to grow an account. You can and should join other channels and become a well-known member. Over time, you will find opportunities to let other members know that you have a channel of your own.
You might even be able to pay the channel owner to put posts on the channel advertising your channel.
Share valuable posts on every channel you join so that you add value to the channel. You can build up a huge channel just by following this strategy.
4. Advertise the Channel on Social Media
Buying ads on social media opens the door to billions of people seeing your advertisement. You can purchase advertisements on:
- X
Virtually every social media network sells ads, and if you don’t mind paying to grow your Telegram channel, this is one the best ways to get members fast.
Can You Advertise on Telegram?
You know how to make money on Telegram, but can you just advertise on the platform? Yes. Telegram has:
- 700 million active users each month
- 500 billion views each month
You can start advertising on the official website, and the ad platform works like this:
- Ads are sent to channels with 1000+ subscribers.
- Ads are limited to 160 characters.
- No user data is analyzed to send the ad.
Unlike running ads on Meta, Telegram takes user data very seriously. Everyone on the channel will see the same ad – it’s not user-based. From a privacy standpoint, this is one of the best platforms for users because if you run ads on Instagram, you can be confident that the platform mined the user’s data.
When you run your ad, you can choose:
- Language
- Specific channels
- Approximate topics
Telegram also plans to share revenue with channel owners, so if you do run ads on one of your favorite channels, you’re also supporting the channel operators.
You’ll find many tools that can help you pinpoint channels that are best suited for your ads.
If you want to reach users on Telegram and don’t want to spend the time building out your own channel, you can always opt to pay for ads. Many channel owners will pay for ads while growing their channels because it’s a powerful growth option.
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